Dot Dot Dot … Part 7

domain-registrationSorry I haven’t updated recently but I’m been a busy that I haven’t had time to sit and write in my blogs lately. So Part 7 of my Business Endeavor is going to deal with my business and retail website link. Both web links are .Biz links and so many people have asked what’s .Biz ? Why isn’t it a .com like or ? Is it even a legit site link ?

(┬⌂┬) First of all … Yes, it is a legit site link. There are many domain links other than .com like in the image I chose for this blog post there are TONS !! There are .net, .org, .edu, .info, .gov, dot dot dot, etc etc. So I decided my business journey blog post today will talk about the different domain links and what each of them mean for those who feel my .Biz sites are fake or illegitimate.

Ok, here goes … So according to definitions of each are …

• .Com – They’re primarily for Commercial Businesses
• .Net – They’re for Network Organizations
• .Org – They’re for Non-Profit groups or Organizations
• .Info – They’re for Information
.Biz – They’re the Internets Top Level domain for businesses

There are a lot more .domains on the list but if you wanna read the whole list you can go to *Here’s a direct link to it …* to read about them more.

I wanna focus solely on the .Biz topic. Now going further into the .Biz domains let me share with you some interesting facts that will hopefully debunk your assumption or false info on whether my business and retail site is legit. Here are just two(2) that are pretty significant on their own !

  1. There are over 327 million that’s 327,000,000 .Biz sites registered in Google search alone.
  2. There are 90 million .biz names available than .com

Wow ! 327 million probably a lot more now since that number was last tabulated but I dunno how my business and retail domain link can be illegitimate when there are that many .biz domains out there. Again it all comes down to knowing the facts and thinking before you speak which I blogged about that in a previous post I think.

There’s a lot more to the internet than just a .com and if you think domain links are solely .com and everything else is not legit, fake, or whatever you need to look in the mirror and say those things to the reflection looking back at you. Not to sound harsh or mean but seriously if you’re thinking like that get your head out your bum.

I am starting to see this business endeavor for what it’s worth and it’s definitely not easy work and you gotta reinforce your heart to be made of steel bcuz you will encounter lots of heartache and hurt feelings but through the countless NOs there will be a YES and you just gonna stick with it and be persistent.

I have been told by the many who have done this business and succeeded that this business works but it solely depends on how hard you’re willing to work it and be consistent, persistent, and get back up when you’re knocked down. In this biz you gotta plant your feet deep into the soil like the roots of a tree and not let any storm blow you down.

If you have ambition and attitude like above … comment below and let’s talk about maybe starting you on your own business endeavor right besides us and when I say us I mean my husband and I. I will continue to blog about my journey and I’m holding back on blogging about the failures but maybe I’ll do that in my next blog post. Share with you the negatives, the failures, and the hurt I’ve experience thus far.



Words that Resonate … Part 6

Bw3I9MICcAA8W-c 123(=_=) I’ve been procrastinating again and a bit burnt out lately that I’m behind in posting this. On Wednesday May 27, 2015 I attended another business seminar and this one in particular had a message that resonated with me. The part that resonated with me was when the speaker “Mentor” spoke about the Power of Association. You might say well what’s that ? The Power of Association is mainly the people you associate with … (i.e Your circle of friends).

Who you hang out with and spend time with will determine the path you take in Life. Look at your circle of friends are they Positive people or Negative people ? It’s amazing how the phrase Monkey See … Monkey Do really is true. If you’re hanging around friends who drink, smoke, party every weekend … you most likely do the same. If you have friends who are go getters, studying hard to earn that degree, hardworkers … you will be too.

This part of the seminar really resonated with me and stuck in my head like the speaker “Mentor” had stapled it to my brain. It made me think back to all my years and my circle of friends I’ve had and have. I admit thinking about the Power of Association really made sense. Many of the bad decisions I made in my Life would of probably never been if I had chosen a better group of people to associate with.

The bottom center image I posted to this blog says it all … Linda Barnby ~ “When you surround yourself with the encouragement, resources and creativity of like-minded, motivated, and high-achieving entrepreneurs, your own success is inevitable”. The Power of Association and picking your circle of friends wisely is the best way to reaching your personal goals, dreams, and staying on the right paths in Life.

I love everyone that comes into my Life and I’m the type of person that clings and cherishes every person that comes into my Life and finds it difficult to say Goodbye to people. But after hearing the seminar section on the Power of Association I realized there are some people in my Life I have to say Goodbye to as they weren’t the type of associations that were building me up and helping me rise higher. Life is only what you make of it and you are the only person behind steering the wheel. Where you go in Life all depends on which direction you turn that wheel and the path you chose to drive down.

For me the paths I’ve chosen most of the time in my Life weren’t paved and were barren dirt roads with lots of bumpy rocks, potholes, and obstacles to drive over and through making the ride not at all smooth but bumpy and rough. Even though I do not regret the road I’ve chose even though some aren’t the best for me. It has taken me down some very scenic paths where I have experience the beautiful parts of Life. I hope that you will take the time to learn more about the Power of Association and reassess your Life in where it’s going, where you want it to go, and if you are the person you want to be/become.